Wednesday, October 23, 2013

One Year Later


Last year, around this time in fact, I had my first exposure to an actual TEDx event (the x means that this is a licensed affiliate event - it's not officially TED, but it's inspired by it and a lot like it). It was . . . interesting. 

The fact of the matter is that participation in the production of an event robs the event of all mystique, of all the aura, that the event represents in people's minds. I loved many of the speakers, but seeing how it all came together . . . The overall level of impressiveness came down. As a lighting guy, I was stoked that thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people would see my lighting. The only problem was that theatre, live-streaming video, and mostly talented amateur presenters equals highly compromised lighting choices. The lights need to be bright enough for the video to be effective, but they can't be so bright that they overawe the presenters, most of whom have never been in the center of that much light in their entire lives. We tamped it down and tamped it down and the video guys adjusted and I was utterly unhappy because it all looked dim. Everyone assured me that it was fine and we moved on.

One year later, the video guys are telling me about something weird that happened when the video was transcoded for the web: it was too dim. *Sigh*

Let's see what happens now. Now that two thirds of the staff agree that it can be brighter. Will we dim it down for the presenters? Or will we make it bright enough for the web to truly enjoy it and let the presenters feel like actors? Tune in to the TEDx Mid-Atlantic feed this weekend to find out.

Cocktail of the Day:

The Golden Dream:

  1. Galliano - 2 cl
  2. Triple sec - 2 cl
  3. Orange juice - 2 cl
  4. Cream - 1 cl
It's a creamsicle. It's an alcoholic creamsicle. The proportions here are a great place to start, but I think I need to scale it up. A lot.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Bridge Not Far Enough

The first episode of FX's The Bridge (which has a pretty epic amount of material online, btw) starts off with evocative promise. The El Paso PD and the Juarez police find a body on the bridge between Texas and Mexico, the most important and busiest land crossing between the two countries. They tussle over jurisdiction, in a very procedural way, and we think we understand how things are going to be. Then the crime scene techs move the body and it comes apart.

The set up seems so perfectly tailored to the fractious, fraught relationship between the United States and Mexico and all of the socio-economic issues that are bound up in it that it hardly seems believable the show is based on a Danish(!) show about the border between Denmark and Sweden. To be fair, that bridge is much more difficult to cross without being seen, in order to place two halves of different bodies in the middle of it. The idea of borders and crime is so potent that they are developing the idea in Britain, based on the Chunnel. As an American, I don't think I can identify the neuroses that these shows are meant to address, the difficult issues that investigating death lets the show interrogate within the context of these cultures. Whatever the difficulties between France and Britain, the Chunnel hardly seems like a contested boundary. The border between Texas and Mexico? That's a contested boundary.

I did not come into the Bridge unprepared though and this may have colored my expectations for the show. The background noise of the particular crime tale that the Bridge is telling is one of the great crime mysteries of all time: the lost girls of Juarez. My first exposure to this mystery was a novel called 2666 by Roberto Bolaño, a Chilean author who died while writing the novel. It is an epic, discursive tale that curls its way around to Mexico and to the legions of young women who disappear from the maquiladoras, the factories in the north of Mexico that create things cheaply and then get shipped into the U.S., a potent symbol of the economic gulf between the countries, if there ever was one. Over the last twenty years, young women, always between 16 and 24, have disappeared in disturbing numbers, hundreds have disappeared. The reality is probably complex and it's a mortal lock that, in reality, very few of these disappearances are actually related. But humans want narrative and the story of the lost, lonely, dispossessed, poor women who devote their lives to scraping together just enough to power the machinery of the largest economy in the world, which consumes them and their life's work without a thought, and tosses it aside just as easily practically writes itself. There is an evil that pervades the site of so much injustice. Corruption infects the place and it consumes the girls. That is certainly the mood that Bolaño works in and that is how I approached The Bridge.

That's not very fair to the show, of course. No matter how moody you make a murder mystery, you eventually solve mysteries. Rare is the crime show that is purely interested in the culture and the background and not the crimes. Even a show like Twin Peaks which was ALL mood, needed the hook of that dead body wrapped in plastic washing up on the river bank to get it going . . . And it collapsed when the story of that body was told. The fact that I'm comparing The Bridge to Twin Peaks at all, is probably bad for the FX show. Twin Peaks is incredible. I want to watch all of it again right now. I might rewatch the first four episodes of The Bridge, back when it was amazing, when it was all crime, when the detectives had no hope and they were up against what seemed like a supernatural force that was greater than all of them, aiming them, gruesomely, at the crimes of Juarez. That's the show I really really wanted to have. That's not the show I ended up with at the end of season 1. Maybe that's where they go in season 2 . . .

Friday, October 18, 2013

A Question of Etiquette

The title of this blog post is a fib, a polite one, as befits a discussion of etiquette. There is in fact, no question at all. If you attend an evening of theatricals, of whatever kind they may be, be it dance, or plays, or musicals, or opera, or whatever, the proper end of show etiquette is to clap as enthusiastically as you believe the performance deserved and then to leave the auditorium. There are no credits. The stage door is around the back. Nothing good will come of sticking around the auditorium. You don't have to leave the theater, but you do have to hit the lobbies. There are so many people, and so much work that must be done that you must be kind to them and leave the stage to their capable hands. For every performer you see, there are many more who make it possible for you to see that performer. Be kind to them, take your enthusiasm for the show into the night, into the public, and away from the house. It's the best possible thanks you can offer to the hard working people who made your night possible.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Crème de Violette


I finished it! Well, I completed a readable draft of my very first truly full length play. It's about the craziness of business. And other things. It's very adult. And I am really proud of it. The file name is Crisis Reboot II Fork 5, which tells you the level of effort that went into this play.

Cocktail of the Day:

  1. Gin - 4.5 cl
  2. Maraschino Liqueur - 1.5 cl
  3. Lemon juice - 1.5 cl
That's the IBA definition of the Aviation. However, Wikipedia states that an essential ingredient is 0.75 cl of crème de violette. The kicker is that it is very nearly impossible to find this liqueur. The maker of the classic version, Rothman and Winter, doesn't have a web presence. So it takes an incredible amount of effort to have this cocktail. And you thought collecting cocktails would be easy. Ok, I thought that. And I was wrong, wrong, wrong.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Keeping Up With The Cocktails

Political Thought of the Day:

The rumor mill going now suggests that Republicans will put a 6 week debt-limit extension on the table and vote on it so that negotiations can occur. Which seems pretty pointless, if you think that the same set of demands will be in play. Obama will have to agree to the negotiations, to neuter the talking point and then when the GOP reveals that it has simply repeated itself and that there is nothing substantive on offer, we can have the crisis again, only this time Obama gets an extra data point: "I told you that we couldn't function as a government this way and this is way. Partisan demands don't change and governing by crisis is awful."

Fantasy Football Move of the Day:

I looked for a defense in my Yahoo! league. I wasn't very busy most of the day and I was staring at my team. Picking up an extra defense because of a "bad matchup" is exactly the kind of time wasting that happens when you have to be at work, but you don't have anything to do.

Cocktail of the Day:

The Horse's Neck
  1. 4 cl of brandy
  2. 110 cl of ginger ale
  3. Dash of angostura bitters
It's hard to believe this cocktail deserve a name or the word "cocktail" at all. Pretty much exactly what you would expect from the ingredients. Please don't waste good brandy on this. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Something New

Three new regular sections (like daily! - like daily, now, not actually daily, that's too much). First, a pithy bon mot about political events. Because I am so very tired of vituperative falsehood that I must shout my corrections into the great void of social media. Second, an update on my fantasy football team. Because if I put it first, you wouldn't read the blog and if I left it until the end, you wouldn't read about my teams (that's right, plural). Duh. And finally, an update on my cocktail experience of the day. Right now, this blog is ugly and dull and this paragraph is also dull. I will fix all of these things. After my next drink . . .

Political Thought of the Day: 

If every issue has the same exaggerated moral weight, than all issues might as well have no moral weight at all. To steal from an outrageously good movie: If every issue is special, then no issue is special.

Fantasy Football Update: 

My bench outscored my starters in one league. I won the two matchups in leagues that I play in but don't really care about yet. Water is wet. Statistics soon to follow.

My quest to become the perfect mixologist in my own home on my own terms starts with the International Bartenders Association list of Official Cocktails.

Cocktail(s) of the Day:

A. The Stinger:
  1. 5 cl cognac
  2. 2 cl creme de menthe
This tastes about how you think it would: like somebody ruined the flavor of a fine liquor with mint. I don't even know how this constitutes a classic. I'm going to forget I ever made one.

B. The Sidecar

  1. 5 cl cognac
  2. 2 cl Cointreau (or Orange liqueur)
  3. 2 cl Lemon juice
Alton Brown believes the Sidecar is the precursor to the margarita (apologies for the ads). I believe that this is a fantastic drink, if you are craving something sweet, but not cloying or deadened by heavy handed mixers. Go easier on the lemon juice (or use fresh) and use high quality orange liqueurs for the best results, IMO.